
arance di sicilia

The oranges of Sicily: citrus fruits mostly grown in Italy.

The real and authentic Sicilian oranges they are grown in the lands of Sicily, in particular in the areas of Catania, Agrigento and in the territory of Ribera.

Varieties of Sicilian Oranges

It is possible to find many varieties of Sicilian oranges, among these the most common in Catania are the famous ones Red Oranges. This type of red-fleshed orange is characterized by IGP certification.

The most renowned variety, mainly cultivated in the lands of Ribera, is that of Washington Navel Oranges, with blond pulp, with a sweet and juicy flavor. These oranges are easily recognizable by the presence of a "navel", from which they take the name "navel”.

Then there is the variety of oranges Navelina, with blond pulp, whose peculiarity lies in the maturation. Indeed, this type of Sicilian orange is ready to be harvested already in the first days of November.

Three other varieties of Sicilian oranges with red pulp much appreciated by all Italians, it's Sanguinello oranges, the Moro Oranges and the Tarocco Oranges. As for the former, the Sanguinello Oranges, these are ripe from January to February, they have a high content of citric acid and a low sugar content.

The peculiarity of the Moro oranges it is instead that relating to the total absence of seeds and from its ripening phase which begins from December onwards.

In the end, the Tarocco oranges, they are characterized by a streaked red pulp, even these without the presence of seeds, but very juicy and easy to peel.

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